
AWS Training In Chennai In Cloudzian

The cloud market is rapidly expanding. Business networking and server issues are mostly a thing of the past. Cloud computing has shown to be a trustworthy platform throughout time. Every sector is adopting cloud services. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a major player in the cloud. People and corporations alike benefit from it. It provides pay-per-hour IT infrastructure solutions to businesses. It offers IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services. This is a great time to start a career in AWS. Learn AWS principles by taking an AWS training in Chennai.

It is possible to work as an AWS sysops administrator, AWS engineer, AWS cloud architect or cloud software engineer after completing the AWS course in Chennai. Alternatively, you can become a AWS engineer. AWS course in Chennai will help you understand the connection between AWs and DevOps. For cloud computing, AWS is used by a number of companies. Take the AWS certification if you desire a lucrative and demanding career in cloud services. AWS is in high demand, but there is a shortage of AWS-trained workers. In order to enter the world of cloud computing, you must undergo AWS training from AWS schools in Chennai. Consider taking up the AWS certification now if you work in the software development or database administration fields. At CLOUDZIAN, you’ll be thoroughly prepared for the exam. Learn about cloud management practises and security and architecture in this course

Course Highlights

  • Efficient design and deployment of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure
  • Mechanisms for cost evaluation and control
  • Load Balancing on Multiple EC2 Instances using Elastic Load Balancing
  • AWS data ingress and egress
  • Identifying appropriate and relevant uses for AWS architecture
  • AWS on-premises application lift and shift mechanism
  • Identifying the optimal solutions for computing, database, and security requirements
  • Fundamentals of Linux
  • Setup and Initialization:
  • Initialization and Package Management:
  • Administration of Users:
  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud run levels (VPC)
  • A Brief Overview of Service Protocols:
  • Certification as an AWS Sysops Administrator
  • What is the term “virtualization”? , Dynamo DB, Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • Amazon Web Services Platform, Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Amazon EC2 instance, EBS (Elastic Block Storage)
  • Auto-scaling, load balancing, and application services
  • Cloud Storage, Route53, and Management Tools
  • Amazon Web Services Troubleshooting, Amazon Web Services Architecture and Design
  • Acquire knowledge of the AWS platform’s values and benefits.
  • Apply the knowledge to comprehend the robust security capabilities, controls, and assurances in place to ensure data protection and security.
  • Recognize the AWS platform’s importance in cloud computing.
  • Conduct an analysis of the AWS’s best practises and architectural principles.
  • Using AWS managed services, make your organization’s infrastructure scalable, reliable, and highly available.

Pre-requisites and Eligibility

There are no pre-requisites for AWS. However, a basic understanding of computer science technicalities and Basic knowledge of Linux commands and PHPand Pythonwill be helpful but is not mandatory. Don’t worry, we will cover Linux commands/scripting, python and networking fundamentals in detail in our course.

Audience for this course:

IT professionals , Software testers , System administrators , Solution architects , Security engineers , Application developers ,Integration specialists , windows Administrators, Java Developers, Data analysts and database administrators, Database Administrator, System architects, IT managers, IT administrators and operators, IT systems engineers, data engineers and database administrators, data analytics administrators, cloud, web engineers, Project Managers, Software Architects, ETL and Data Warehousing Professionals, Data Engineers, Data Analysts & Business Intelligence Professionals, DBAs and DB professionals, Senior IT Professionals, Testing professionals, Mainframe professionals, Graduates looking to build a career in IT Field and Aspirants looking to work as AWS professional can apply for this course.


  • Describing cloud computing
  • History & a comparison with Client server computing
  • Advantages of Cloud Computing andFuture of Cloud
  • History & a comparison with Client server computing
  • Different types of Cloud Computing and deployment model
  • Roles in Cloud – Sys Ops, Dev Ops and Cloud Architect
  • Leading Cloud Players – Amazon’s AWS, Microsoft Azure, Openstack and VMWare
  • Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud
  • Virtualization in Cloud model and Different types of virtualization
  • Hypervisor – Benefits and Importance of scaling in cloud computing
  • Different types of scaling and its applications
  • Mastering Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Mastering Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Mastering Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

• Describing AWS
• Architecture of AWS and Accessing AWS
• Creating a AWS Account
• Features of AWS and its marketplace
• Describe the features of Amazon Compute Services and Amazon Storage Services
• AWS Management Console and AWS Products and major Services
• Features of Amazon Storage Services and Amazon Network Services
• Features of Amazon Database services and various services in AWS
• Deployment Models :Public, Community, Private and Hybrid Clouds

  • Overview of all basic commands
  • Vim editor modes and File system hierarchy
  • File and directories creation
  • Linux Commands and Linux administration commands
  • Creating users and groups
  • Linux permissions and Modifying, deleting users and group
  • Yum commands and Different run levels
  • Protect your AWS by different authentication system
  • Password policies set for users
  • Describing AWS User Account and Groups
  • Creating policies in AWS
  • Overview of Roles and Creating Roles and associating policies
  • Creating programmatic access and management console access for users
  • Associating policies to the user and groups
  • Introduction to Amazon EC2
  • Amazon EC2 Features and Pricing
  • Regions and Availability zones
  • Root device volume
  • Setting up and Sign up
  • Create an IAM users , Key pair , instances and AMIs
  • Create Key Pair
  • Describe AMI and AWS Marketplace templates
  • Launch a basic EC2 instance
  • Attaching and detaching EBS volumes
  • Launch an ec2 instance from an AMI
  • Create custom AMI and working with different region
  • Make use of amazon EBS volume and create snapshots
  • Manage the configuration of your application
  • Different types of Instances Reserved, On-demand, Spot, Dedicated
  • Public key – Private key introduction and protecting EC2 with keys
  • Deploying a new instance from the created AMI and Mastering Amazon AMIs
  • Launching and Setting up EC2 Instance
  • Managing Users, Software’s , Network and Security
  • Security Groups and Controlling access
  • Assigning IPs and Elastic IP addresses
  • Placement Groups
  • Hosting a website on AWS EC2 instance
  • EC2 Best practices to consider from a Solutions Architect standpoint
  • Overview of Auto Scaling and Benefits of Auto Scaling
  • Get Started with Auto Scaling Using the Console
  • Creating Launch configurations and auto scaling groups
  • Maintain a Fixed Number of Running EC2 Instances
  • Dynamic Scaling and Monitoring Auto Scaling Groups
  • Health Checksand Health Check Grace Period
  • Policies of auto scaling and Pricing for Auto Scaling
  • Introduction Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
  • Understanding and advantages Amazon VPC and
  • Subnets and subnet mask
  • Configuration and management of VPN connectivity
  • understanding IP addressing CIDR
  • Default and Non-default VPC and Different Components in VPC
  • Pricing for Amazon VPC and Amazon VPC limits
  • Describe, create, and manage Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
  • Amazon VPC, Private Subnet, and Public Subnet
  • PCI DSS Compliance
  • Networking essentialsAWS Networking, Security Groups, and Network ACLs
  • Understanding Gatewaysand Using Route Tables
  • IPv4 and IPv6
  • Using Security Groups and Network ACLs
  • Introduction to Load balancing
  • Load balancing benefits, components and types
  • Application , Network and classic Load balancer
  • Configure Security for Load balancer
  • Describing ELB
  • Understanding how to Configure Listener
  • Working with Listener Rules and authenticate users
  • Register and Deregister Target Groups
  • Configure health checks for Load balancer
  • Introduction to SNS Works
  • Create a and Subscription
  • Working with Push Email and Text Messaging
  • Mobile Phone number as Subscriber
  • Sending a Message to Multiple Phone numbers
  • SQS & SES
  • Lambda and Elastic Beanstalk
  • Introduction Amazon SES
  • How to Setup Email and Send Email
  • How to Authenticate Email and Testing & Receiving Emails
  • Managing Sending Limits in SES
  • Monitoring Sender Reputation and Controlling Access
  • Introduction of SQS and Benefits
  • Creating Queues
  • QueuesTypes and Limits
  • Adding Permission to the Queue
  • Standard Queue and FIFO Queue
  • Introduction to Amazon Route 53
  • Understanding routing policies
  • Hosting a website with custom domain name
  • Domain registration with Route 53 and Updating Settings for a Domain
  • Configuring Route 53 as Domain Name System (DNS) service
  • Privacy protection and Automatic renewal
  • Locking to prevent unauthorized access
  • Creating Hosted zones and Working with it
  • Public hosted zone and Private hosted zone
  • Migrating a hosted zone to a different AWS Account
  • Domain name understanding
  • Adding and Changing DNS
  • Existing Domains and New Domains
  • Creating records by importing Zone file
  • Editing records , Deleting records and Listing Records
  • Health checking , DNS Constraints and Behaviours
  • Configuring DNS Failover
  • Simple and complex configurations
  • Troubleshooting : Domain unavailable in the internet and Domain Suspended
  • Introduction to IAM
  • Creating Users and Configuring IAM
  • Permissions in IAM
  • Policies in IAM: Creating and Attaching a Policy
  • Creating and Managing Policies
  • Editing ,Testing , Versioning and Deleting Policies
  • Groups in IAM: Creating and Managing Groups
  • Roles in IAM: Creating, using and Managing Roles
  • Tagging Entities and Temporary Security Credentials
  • Access control distribution using IAM and Troubleshooting
  • Introduction to Storage Services
  • Overview of S3 durability and redundancy
  • Introduction to S3 Buckets
  • S3 Overview and Signup for S3 and S3 Permissions
  • Understanding Buckets in AWS and Creating Amazon S3 bucket
  • Configuring the bucket and Adding Objects into your S3 bucket
  • S3 Uploading and Downloading works
  • Implement S3 Object Versioning S3 Lifecycle Policies
  • View, Move and Deleting an Object and Deleting the S3 bucket
  • Working with Security and Encryption
  • Hosting a Static website in S3
  • Configuring a bucket for hosting
  • Cross region replication and CRR Configurations
  • Working with Event notifications
  • Monitoring Tools: Automation and Manual
  • Monitoring Metrics with Cloud Watch
  • Troubleshooting and S3 Pricing
  • Create EBS volumes and Delete EBS Volumes
  • Attach and detach EBS volumes with EC2 instance
  • Creating and deleting snapshots
  • Overview of archiving concepts
  • Create a Vault
  • Uploading and downloading the Archive in Vault
  • Deleting the Archive from Vault
  • Querying the archive
  • SQL functions in Glacier
  • Configuring Vault notifications
  • Authentication , user permissions and Data retrieval policies
  • Overview of Cloud watch – A monitoring service
  • Creating a cloud watch alarm
  • Getting statistics for ec2 instances
  • Understanding of Dashboards and Metrics
  • View available metrics and Search available metrics
  • Get statistics for metricsand Working with Custom metrics
  • Create and edit a cloud watch Alarm
  • Create Alarm to Stop, Terminate and Various operations on EC2 Instance
  • Configuring alerts for billing and notifications for usage using CloudWatch
  • Describing CloudFront
  • Setup CloudFront to deliver content
  • Creating Cloud front Distributions
  • Hosting a website of cloud front distribution
  • Creating, updating and deleting distributions
  • Implementing global restrictions
  • Configuring origins and behaviors
  • Restricting the Content and Geo-restricting Content
  • Improving Content speed through Caching
  • Monitoring and Troubleshooting in CloudFront
  • Introduction to RDS Components
  • Different database services of AWS: Amazon RDS, Dynamo DB, Redshift etc.
  • Create MYSQL RDS Instance, Oracle RDS Instance, MS SQL RDS Instance
  • Configuring the database and backups
  • Configuring the maintenance windows and Connecting to the database
  • Creating, connecting , modifying and maintaining DB instances
  • Regions and Availability Zones
  • DB Parameter Groups and DB Option Groups
  • Configuring Security in RDS – Authentication & Access control
  • Understanding Backup and Restore
  • Creating a DB Snapshot and Copying a Snapshot
  • Restoring from a DB snapshot
  • Limits and pricing of Amazon RDS
  • Monitoring an Amazon RDS DB Instance
  • Troubleshooting common RDS issues
  • Overview of dynamo dB
  • DynamoDB Core Components
  • Working with Tables, Items, Attributes and Primary Key
  • Naming Rules and Data Types
  • Using DynamoDB Console
  • Creating Tables and Loading Data
  • Calculating Read write consistencyand Configuring alarms
  • Running DynamoDB on Your Computer
  • Working with Queries, scans, indexes and steams
  • Back-up and restore
  • Overview of Elastic Beanstalk
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment Management Console
  • Creating and managing the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment
  • Deploying Applications to AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environments
  • New application versionsDeployment Options and configuration changes
  • How to Simplify Infrastructure management with Cloud Formation
  • Quickly Replicating your Infrastructure
  • Working with Stacks and Templates
  • Controlling and Tracking changes
  • Understanding Existing Environment and AWS Migration
  • Understanding the Architecture difference between Existing Environment and AWS Service
  • Troubleshooting EC2 instance
  • Troubleshooting using Cloud watch
  • Troubleshooting using ELB
  • Troubleshooting by using Cloud front
  • Introduction to Disaster Recovery
  • Manage Back up and Disaster Recovery
  • Setting Up Access to AWS Application Discovery Service
  • Setting Up Agentless Discovery
  • AWS High Availability Design
  • Describing Security Practices for Optimum Cloud Deployment
  • AWS Shared Responsibilities and Security Attributes
  • AWS Cloud Formation and Design patterns
  • Importance of Cloud Trail and Describing Trust advisor

Real Time Projects on AWS which are diverse in nature covering various domains such as banking, Healthcare, telecommunication, social media, insurance, and e-commerce.


Week days batch

  • Class Room Training @ Anna nagar& OMR
  • Online Instructor LED Training for Other Locations
  • Online Video Recorderd Training sessions for Other Locations

Week end batch

  • Class Room Training @ Anna nagar& OMR
  • Online Instructor LED Training for Other Locations
  • Online Video Recorderd Training sessions Other Locations

Fast track Batch

  • Class Room Training @ Anna nagar& OMR
  • Online Instructor LED Training for Other Locations
  • Online Video Recorderd Training sessions for Other Locations

Mode of Training

  • Classroom Training
  • Online Instructor-Led Live Training
  • Online Video Recorded Sessions Training

Know about your Trainers Team

  • Administrated and mastered by highly skilled industry experts with 15+ years of strong IT experience in leading MNC companies as Cloud Architect and Senior Technical consultant.
  • Having 10+ years of Industry experience, provided Salesforce Training to 40+ IT companies & 2000+ Students (Freshers and Working Professionals)
  • Both Trainers are certified by Salesforce.
  • 7 + years of delivering exceptional service to candidates in SalesforceTraining and placements. Trained and Placed over 3000+ professionals in Cloud in a single year.
  • Experience professional and Placement oriented instructional technical trainers.
  • Proven ability to plan and execute programs on time.
  • Knowledge of “current best practices” and the latest research in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning
  • Our Trainers have worked on a variety of on-going projects in their respective industries.

Key features

  • 100% Placement guarantee
  • Job Oriented Training
  • Hands-on with Case Studies
  • Industry Expert Faculties
  • Fast track placement mode
  • Managed and mastered by highly skilled Industry Experts
  • Both Classroom Training and Online Training
  • Complete Career Guidance
  • Resume Preparation and Interview preparation
  • Placement in Top MNC Company
  • Online Professional Certification assistance
  • Support 24/7 * 365 days